Morley Clubs Prospectus
What's happening in the After School Club?
The children can choose their own activities from a wide range of resources. We offer Craft activities such as card making, knitting, sewing and wood burning. Children can choose to do home work, play cards read in our quiet area or be more physical playing football, hockey or enjoy our wonderful garden area.
Please Note :
Normal After School Club sessions now run from 3:15 - 6.00pm
Prospectus of Morley Out of School Club
We at Morley Out of School Club believe that play is a natural biological drive, it is innate and fundamental to the children’s development. Children require the freedom to play within an environment that is purely for them. A space in which they can exist to just be. Play needs no justification it is something that just happens for its own sake and in its own way.
We have undertaken the ideology of the thinking children’s project where children are encouraged to be independent and critical thinkers and therefore become life long learners. In which we will provide an environment that will stretch and challenge each child’s development, giving opportunities for risk taking within their environment.
The setting promotes Healthy Eating and strives to give the children the ability to make informed choices about their eating habits, whilst meeting the standards set by Ofsted
Aims of Out Of School Club
Our aim is to provide the children with a safe, enjoyable, challenging and stimulating environment free from prejudice. A place where the children can explore play, promote a healthy and balanced development as they grow into well balanced confident young people.
The Out of School Club (OSC), will respect the child’s individuality, privacy and rights to choose. Children will on occasion ask questions of a sensitive nature, staff will endeavour to answer these questions honestly and frankly. Staff will inform adults about the content of these questions if there is a need.
To provide opportunities for carers and families to be directly involved in the activities of the group, and in their own child’s progress
It will be managed by a management committee formed by the group members of Morley Under 5’s Pre-School and Out of School Club and run by trained staff.
The Groups Policies and Procedures are available for Parents/carers to read upon request. (attached please find a summary of the groups policies)
Play Curriculum
We offer a play-based environment with reference to the Areas & Aspects from the Quality Curriculum Assurance document (DFES) and the child’s own needs. Activities offered will include quiet area, computer, play-station, music, construction, books, imaginative, table top (board games, puzzles, writing, playdoh etc), role play, small world play, emotional play including sand & water, plus a variety of paints, crafts and cooking. Access to reference materials will be available for those wishing to do homework.
The play spaces available for the children are Permanent, For physical play, Transient and For effective play. All play spaces are flexible to meet the needs of the children at the time of play, whilst meeting the relevant Health and Safety Regulations, the settings policies and procedures, and the play worker principles.
There are 26 play types each one as important as the other , which have a direct effect on the child’/groups demands on the playworker. The individual needs of the children will be met by frequent observation and evaluations(by both playworker and children) enabling the playworkers to meet the needs of the children through providing appropriate play spaces, maintaining a relationship with the children/adults that is professional and one that meets the child’s requirement at the time, to promote a healthy and balanced development into an independent ., well balanced and confident young person.
Out of school club will have regard to the following legislations:
The Practical Guidance for Out of School Clubs
Every Child Matters
The Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
The Human Rights Act (1989)
Children Acts (1989-2004) and Children Act (2006)
The Protection Of Children Act (1999)
The Data Protection Act (1998)
The Freedom of Information Act (2000)
Health and Safety Legislation
Legislation covering equal opportunities, disability and discrimination
The Sex Discrimination Act( 1975)
The Race Relations act (1976 amended 2000)
The Disability Discrimination Act (1995)
The United Nations Convention on the rights of children UNISEF (1989)
Food Safety Act(1990)
Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)
Public Health(infectious disease) Regulations (1998)
Health Protection Agency (2004)
Public Health (control of disease) Act 1984)
Staff will be qualified to NVQ 2/3 early years at the very least , preferably at level 3 in play work. Checks CRB checks will be taken in accordance with Ofsted. ISA registration from July 2010. The staff will be expected to take regard of new legislations as they occur. Training as previously stated undertaking regular First Aid, Safeguarding Children and Basic Food Hygiene Certificates.
The adults will have regard to the importance of their role in the process of play, strategies are in play to enable the staff to fully support the play, knowledge of the play process, play types, behaviour modes ,mood descriptors , playwork principles and values and intervention styles. This will enable the playworkers to provide and deliver a high quality of play experiences ensuring intrinsically motivated play.
The preschool follows the complaints procedure as set by OFSTED.
In the first instance any complaints should be made to the preschool manager/ chair either verbally or in writing. We as a setting aim to solve issues as amiably as possible without prejudice or malice.( the procedure as set by OFSTED is enclosed)
All equipment will be purchased subject to the CE/kite mark. Equipment will be regularly checked to ensure safety.
Loose parts (Simon Nicholson):- these resources are those found outside of the play room,- usually not used for the purpose it was designed for- for the children use as required at the time, often natural material loose parts are procured to stretch the imagination and challenge risk in play.
Arrival & Departure
On arrival children under 8 years must be brought in by parent / carer / teacher/older responsible child.
On departure children under 8 years must be signed out by parent / carer / teacher.
Children aged 8 years and over will, with parental consent, be able to sign themselves in and out.
Out of school club charges
Out of school club is charged by the hour ( not part hour) . There is a 48hr period of cancellation , if cancelled inside of this time line then one full hr per session per child will be charged each day. Fees can be paid by voucher, weekly or ½ termly (ad hock bookings need to be paid as you go) . The opening hrs are- breakfast club 7.40am-8.40am and out of school club 15.15pm-18.18pm. If your child wishes to use the club after attending an extra curricular school activity you will be charged from 15.15pm. For children remaining at club after 18.15 a late penalty fee will be charged.
Breakfast Club Menu
Jam / Marmite
Tea / fruit juice/milk
Home made fruit smoothies
After School Club Menu
Jacket Potatoes / Cheese / Beans
Cheese on toast / Spaghetti
Wholemeal Sandwiches
Home made cakes
All snacks served with fruit /vegetables
Home made fruit smoothies
These snacks will be planned into the session taking into account any themes and the children’s own wishes and dietary requirement’s. There will be more than one choice on offer to accommodate the children’s preferences. These will be offered/prepared by the child if they so choose. The setting promotes health eating/healthy bodies and we contribute to 5 a day.
The playworker will have regard to the Basic Food Standards .Cooking will be offered as an activity should the children require, with healthy natural ingredients. Food will be stored according to instruction and refrigerated at 8c.
The play workers will support positive health and well being by:
Ensuring the children are happy
Keeping the children safe
Being a friendly face for the child and their family
Providing a relaxed, calm, environment,Encouraging the children to socialise and have respect for each others, cultural, similarities and differences.