Out Of School Club
Out of School Club Policies
Our OSC has adopted policies on many aspects of managing and running the Out of School Club (osc). These policies are available to anyone who wishes to see them in their entirety, and listed here are some extracts, which we feel you may find interesting, to give you some insight into the way we work.
Staffing & Employment
We have at least one adult to each eight children and more if there are any younger ones present. At least half our staff hold the Diploma in Pre-school Practice or an equivalent qualification. We are committed to recruiting, appointing and employing staff in accordance with all relevant legislation.
Promoting positive behaviour
We have a no smacking policy for everyone on OSC premises. We believe that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and children are free to develop their play and learning without fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone else.
We realise that at some stage in their development most children will demonstrate some unacceptably behaviour. This could include – biting, deliberate bad language, physical or verbal bullying, kicking or throwing. In such cases we would encourage the child to stop by – distraction, explanation, encouraging the child to say sorry or gently removing the child from the situation.
The children will be involved in the forming of “Ground Rules” which will form the basis of acceptable/non-acceptable behaviour and the consequences of any action.
Special Needs
We recognise the wide range of multi-cultural and special need consideration in our community and will do our utmost to meet any such needs within the OSC. The mobile is equipped with wheelchair access, with a tarmac surfaced outside play area and ample parking. Morley School has the provision of an easily accessible disabled toilet/shower room for our use.
The sharing of refreshment can play an important part in social life. At times a multi-cultural diet is offered to ensure that children from all background encounter familiar tastes and that all children have the opportunity also to try unfamiliar foods. Any personal dietary requirements are respected
The children who attend OSC will be offered choices of tuck. This tuck will, in general, consist of wholemeal bread, pasta, baked beans, cheese and fruit with occasional treats i.e. birthday celebrations. The children will be given the opportunity to prepare their foods and clear away afterwards to encompass responsibility.
Healthy Bodies Awareness
Staff will at all opportunities, explain why there is a need for health bodies, how to keep our bodies healthy and will offer explanation to the benefits of healthy foods and also lead by example. OSC staff will encourage children to make wise choices, explain why certain foods need to be limited and why others have to be consumed. If a child asks further, explanation will be given.
Health & Hygiene
Children will have the opportunity to play in the fresh air throughout the year. We have our own fenced play area and use of the school playground.
Children are encouraged with their personal hygiene; toilet accidents are dealt with in a way that does not undermine the child’s self esteem.
We will ensure that the first aid equipment is kept clean, replenished and replaced as necessary. Sterile items will be kept sealed in their packages until needed. Both permanent staff have First Aid Certificates.
Parents are asked to keep their children at home if they have any infections, and to inform the OSC as to the nature of the infection so the OSC can alert other parents and make careful observations of any child that seems unwell.
The preschool follows the complaints procedure as set by OFSTED.
In the first instance any complaints should be made to the preschool manager/ chair either verbally or in writing. We as a setting aim to solve issues as amiably as possible without prejudice or malice (the procedure as set by OFSTED is enclosed).
Duty of Care
In line with registration regulations as in all settings, the safety and welfare of all the children is paramount. Therefore if we have any cause for concern, we may have a duty of care to pass on that concern to the relevant body. (ref. Child Protection Policy)
Parents /carers are requested to sign both accident records and existing injury records as appropriate.